Archive for June, 2008

New T&T month

PhotobucketLast day of the month so don’t forget to change the calendar pic before going to sleep n_~ !! um.. weel.. you can do it tomorrow morning to  XD



I sky, you sky, whisky!? º . ºU! XD

 aaahh > D < !! finally I bought it!! Photobucket
Family sky game for Wii > D < kyaaaa !!

Continue reading ‘I sky, you sky, whisky!? º . ºU! XD’

feeling better with animation = u = ~~<3

I was felling blue and sad today but to cherry up myself a little I spend all the afternoon drawing * D *  

I have a “project” in mind about doing chibi gifs for msn, just cause I don’t like the boring yellow balls = [] = I wanted to do T&T in diferents expresions, so this afternoon I start doing some of them

there you have 4 chibi Takki gifs, for Tsubasa ones you have to wait a little xDD ( I love you too Tsuu~~ Photobucket)








um.. maybe they’re not gorgeous but.. they’re kawaii ne!? XDDD *promise to do better next time*

making gifs made me feel better, it’s a hard work but when you see the result of it is like… = u = あ~ぁ 気持ちいいい!XD

you know it, but, use it whatever you like, and re post it wherever you want I don’t mind n__~ (  º c º/ ~~ look great on msn!!)

つづく (to be continued) … someday  Photobucketomg choo usefull!!


Azuki’s handicrafts

* D *!! look what I’ve done these days XDDDPhotobucketPhotobucket

I wanted to do a new T&T strap for my movil phone that reminds me Takki Tsuba x’mas con * D * cause I LOVE STRAPS, all my things have a lot of straps, my friends say that I’m ill ·__· but I love it!! they’re usefull to find your things inside your bag without look at them xDDDD 

anyway, I’ve done it to put on my movil phone, but they’re  very big XDD so I find a better place for they !!! tataaan! 

XDD they’re gonna be my new “desk pest” XDDDD well actually my new “screen pets”

PhotobucketDPhotobucket kawaiii XDD


Tsubasa’s pranks classes

here there is the 2nd part of evil takizawa baka-comics serie n___n

based on Kamen pv offshot XDDD 

I hope you like it n____n~~Photobucket

`cause you also are my sun * D *


I know I’d promised you another Evil Takizawa baka-comic, but I’ve not finised it yet XDD so I update with a Taiyou no kisetsu drawing n__n

Today Google remember that the summer begins * D * (Taiyo no kisetsu = the season of the sun) and so did the sun in my country X__x omg!! today is very hot!! I think cause that hotter weater I have a terrible headache this afternoon, but after a “siesta” and pills I feel better XD

I sketched this drawing long time ago but I never have the chance to finish it. Actually I wanted to do in a more “realistic” style but I’m soo use to draw little T&T than I have lost all my realistic style X__xUUU bakazuki!! and also have problems with the background = []= !! omg! I have to practice more and more XDDD

but anyway… it’s cute, ne? ó u òUU I hope you like it~~


Continue reading ‘`cause you also are my sun * D *’

* Evil Takizawa *


Qwe in the forum tell me than she read in a magazine that Tsubasa said next time he will be the angel and Takki the devil, so she suggested me to do a baka-comic xD and here there is


¡ = ¡ !! I think I can’t imagine evil Takki, he has so much cute face to be devil ¡ 3 ¡

tomorrow I’m gonna  update part 2 of the topic n_~

Tsubasa’s present for Takki * D *

I haven’t sew Koi uta suit for my T&T dolls yet, but look at what present Tsubasa give to Takki XDDD


yeah it’s a prowrestlin mask XDDD

it’s kinda scary but  I apreciate more that masks now cause they’re very difficult to do o__oU Tsubasa suffers a lot sewing it

I think actually Takki looks like a super heroe !! but my mom said that Takki looks like an ant… and I wonder why is the “concept” my mom has about ants o__OUUU XDD

you want to know the story about T&T dolls? It’s under the cut, cause It’s gonna be quite long XDD sorry

Continue reading ‘Tsubasa’s present for Takki * D *’

I’m fron Japan… and I donto cry …

Arg… Tomorrow I’m having my last Enlish test and I’m sure I’m gonna fail this one T [] T Photobucket!!


Belive it or not I’m on the last course of Enlish, so this is the heaviest test of my school XD It start at 3.00 pm and finish at 8 X__X *die Photobucket it has a lot of task to do but the one I hate most is the writing task, we have to write 2 compositions in 40 minutes!! if only the composition subject was T&T…. XDDD

Anyway I’ve pased my Japanese course * D * but ギリギリ (by the sking of your teeth) º D ºUUUU, my sensei said that tough having a lot of grammar mistakes and bad composition I have great qualifications on listening!! º D º it must be thanks to Tono and Denpajou m(_ _)m

(also thanks to D2pink and her friend who record it and upload every week on TakkiTsuba forum \^ D ^/)

aaaah~~~~ = [] = azuki continues studing _-_

*wet angel*

Few days ago Loonykat was wondering why an angel could get wet… um… I think about it but I can’t find a funny reason for a baka-comic but I can explaint it with a fanart


It’s cause dark angels fade on white ones * D * !!

Today I have no time for more or better drawings xDD sorry





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